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Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Best Upcoming First Person Shooters 2017

Best Upcoming First Person Shooters

As you know, Mods “R” Us are all about first person shooters and at this year’s E3 there was a ton of awesome fantastic first person shooters shown and today we are sharing with you a few of our favorites.

Destiny 2

The first Destiny by the end of the last expansion had really turned into a very fun experience. It looks like they have learned from the stumbles the first Destiny had as Destiny 2 looks awesome. Destiny already had amazing core gameplay, but with bigger worlds, a better story and just an all-around better experience. Destiny 2 is a game, we cannot wait to play.

Metro Exodus

Metro Exodus was one of the biggest surprises at this year’s E3. The Metro series is a ton of fun and this new game looks to be taking the series even further. It will have an open world setting, of course, a ton of different giant mutant monsters for you to kill. Mixing horror with action, Metro Exodus is sure to be a ton of fun when it is released.

Star Wars Battlefront 2

We said that Destiny 2 learned from past mistakes and the same is true for Star Wars Battlefront 2. This is one of the most epic looking first person shooters we have ever seen! There looks to be just a ton of content here. All of the multiplayer action that the first game had is here, but now they have added a story mode which is what many people felt was missing from the first game.

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