Ps4 Call Of Duty Controller Xbox One Modded Call Of Duty Controllers Xbox One Rapid Fire Mods Playstation 4 Ps4 Call Of Duty Controller Modded Call Of Duty Controllers Ps4 Rapid Fire Mods Playstation 4

5000 Mode Modded Controllers Xbox 360 Black

5000 Mode Modded Controllers Xbox 360 Black

5000 Mode Mod Controllers Xbox 360 Black Mod Controllers Xbox 360

Black 5000 Controller Xbox 360

Eliminate The Competition With Our 5,000+ Mode Modded Controllers. You will completely dominate your opponents! Thank you to all our customers for making the 5,000+ Modded Controller the all time best selling Xbox 360 modded controller. Each of our Xbox 360 controllers are professionally modded using our in house technology that was developed exclusively by us and only sold exclusively by us. Each controller then passes strict quality control checks before they are mailed out. We only use brand new factory sealed xbox 360 wireless controllers Our design was built with the user in mind. It lets you turn on/off rapid fire in a fraction of a second and you can even change rapid fire modes on the fly.Rapid fire is an enhancement that will automatically fire your weapons for you! All you have to do is hold down the trigger. This means if you're using a semi-automatic weapon (FAL, M14, Shotguns, Snipers, Pistols, etc...) you won't need to continually hit the trigger as rapid fire will do it for you. It can basically turn any semi-automatic weapon into a sub machine gun! Rapid fire has been improved over the years to include many other features as well. This controller comes equipped with these features in addition to rapid fire that allow you to use practically ANY WEAPON in ANY GAME! 

Sub Modes-This feature is something our competition doesn't have. It allows you to use multiple configurations for the same mode. You no longer have to change modes to use advanced features. For example, if you're playing MW3 and you switch to your secondary weapon which is an akimbo pistol, you can now simply double tap the sync button to go from mode 2a to mode 2b, giving you automatic akimbo ability! Black Ops 2: Save your in game perk and use rapid fire on your controller, not the game. Meaning, don't use the select fire perk in the game as it's already built into your controller, and it's faster! Doing this allows you a free perk which can give you up to 4 perks on your primary weapon!!! We've been selling rapid fire products since its inception and have put all this into one easy to use, elegant, intuitive, and powerful package. We're very excited to deliver its simple but yet advanced design, giving all player types something to fall in love with! The combinations of all these features allow for unlimited settings, making any future patches or updates a thing of the past! 

Our modded controllers are in a custom Painted Hydro-Dipped shell it will not chip, scratch, or fade. Hydro-dipped controller shells is a painting process that also has been clear coated to prevent any damage/rub off on the pattern itself. It's a high quality film laid over the shell and then protected with clear coat a new high quality design.*The Battery cover may show in pictures as painted but It will be a black or white regular battery cover on all the controllers*The Xbox 360 Modded Rapid Fire Controller Offers 5,000+ modes with sub modes more than any other modded controller on the market today it works with all shooter games including Black Ops 2 , Battlefield 3 and many more. 

It's 100% undetectable on Xbox Live (100% online safe) and mod does not drain extra battery life. All modes are adjustable in some way. Meaning you can adjust your fire rate, quick scope delay, jitter speed general rapid fire between the ranges of 5 and 100 shots per second. This customization completely eliminates the need to buy a new modded controller in the future as you can just adjust your speed to the latest game or to a patch for an older one. It's completely future proof!. Mod combination controller mode break down - (These are both regular & sub modes) Quick scope = 201 Jitter = 96x2 = 192 World at war = 96x2 = 192 Rapid fire modes 96x19 = 1,824 Without rapid fire = 7 Burst /Auto Burst = 768x4 = 3,072 = 5,000 + mod combinations total + 32 default modes.

Over 5,000 modded combinations when combined with the adjustable speed/timing values Our design was built with the user in mind. It lets you turn on/off rapid fire in a fraction of a second and you can even change rapid fire modes on the fly. The default modes are listed below and all modes are adjustable. Mode 1A - Black Ops 1 & 2 Mode 1B - Dual/Akimbo Black Ops 1 & 2 Mode 2A - MW1,2,3 Mode 2B - Dual/Akimbo MW2,3 Mode 3A - Halo 4, Halo 3/ODST, COD 5 World at War Mode 3B - Dual/Akimbo Mode 4A - Left 4 Dead1,2, BF1,2,3, GTA4, Red Dead Redemption Mode 4B - Dual/Akimbo Mode 5A - Gears Of War 1,2,3 Halo Reach Mode 5B - Dual/Akimbo Mode 6A - Jitter Black Ops 1 and MW2 Mode 6B - Dual Jitter Black Ops 1 and MW2 Mode 7A - Sniper Breath All COD titles Mode 7B - Sniper Quick Scope & Sniper Breath All COD Titles Mode 8A - Auto Aim COD Zombies, Campaign, and Spec Ops Mode 8B - Auto Aim with Rapid Fire COD Zombies, Campaign, and Spec Ops Mode 9A - 3 Round Burst 1-8 Adjustable, All Games Mode 9B - Auto Burst 3 Round Burst Default, All Games Mode 10A - 5 Round Burst 1-8 Adjustable, All Games Mode 10B - Auto Burst 5 Round Burst Default, All Games Mode 11A - Drop Shot All COD Titles Mode 11B - Drop Shot with Rapid Fire All COD Titles Mode 12A - Dual Drop Shot All COD Titles Mode 12B - Dual Drop Shot with Rapid Fire All COD Titles Mode 13A - Jump Shot All COD Titles Mode 13B - Jump Shot with Rapid Fire All COD Titles Mode 14A - Dual Jump Shot All COD Titles Mode 14B - Dual Jump Shot with Rapid Fire All COD Titles Mode 15A - Mimic All COD Titles & Most Other Games as Well Mode 15B - Mimic with Rapid Fire on LT & RT All COD Titles & Most Other Games as Well Mode 16A - Quick Aim All COD Titles and Most Other Games as Well Mode 16B - Quick Aim with Rapid Fire on RT Only All COD Titles and Most Other Games as Well.

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